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"Nora and Via" is Volume XXI of "A Suite of Books: Duality". This suite is the final project for my DART 201 class, where everyone in my class contributed one book to a larger collection. The theme of the series is "dreams and reality" as decided by our class.
To fit under the title of "Duality", I utilized the two protagonists of the story: Nora and Via. To learn more about the two, visit the Characters tab at the top of the page.
I connected the overall suite theme (dreams and reality) to the theme of my volume. "Nora and Via" is a story about experiences. The dream is for our cherished moments to never conclude. The reality, however, is that experiences must end. Though moments of life may not last forever, their impact on us as people does. It is important for us to cherish the moments of our life and remember that the conclusion to one part of life is the exigence to another. 
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May 2023
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