Project  •  Poster 1  •  Poster 2  •  Poster 3  •  Credits
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I created these posters to explore typography and the diverse ways type can be utilized in design. The fonts included in these posters are "Slayer Movie", "Alverata", and "Gaia Condensed". 
Individual Artist Statements are provided for each piece under their "process" tabs.
Though the final designs differed greatly from my initial ideas, I feel I created strong design pieces and greatly expanded my typography knowledge.
Poster 1 is Slayer Movie.
Poster 2 is Alverata.
Poster 3 is Gaia Condensed.
Slayer Movie Color
Slayer Movie Color
Slayer Movie B&W
Slayer Movie B&W
Alverata Color
Alverata Color
Alverata B&W
Alverata B&W
Gaia Condensed Color
Gaia Condensed Color
Gaia Condensed B&W
Gaia Condensed B&W
March 2023
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